Monday, August 25, 2008

How To Success In Sales...

To be successful in sales, you have to have the right attitude:-
  • You have to think and feel success.
  • You have to develope the qualities that contribute to thinking and feeling this way; positive,optimistic,willing to do a little extra, be good at understanding and working with others and be desciplined.
  • You must be enthusiastic and persistent
  • You must associate with success-oriented people
  • You must know how to stay motivated and how to motivate others.

another practical aspect of success in sales is having goals and working towards them. Goals gives you sense of direction and keep you going. You can't expect to succeed overnight. You have to work hard to sell yourself and to build your organization before you start getting major returns..

Remember, hundreds of peoples who have succeeded on a large scale encountered many no's and failures too.