Saturday, February 7, 2009

How to consume HERBA TUJU ANGIN effectively

Mix 5 capsules of Herba Tuju Angin into a cup of hot water until it dissolves. The aroma of teja lawang helps to reduce stress. Stir it and pour a sachet of Kopi Radix into the mixture. Try to take 5 capsules with Kopi Radix before sleep every night as it helps digestion system very well.

It is compulsory to mix Herba Tuju Angin in hot water as it has to activate the contain of Teja Lawang named Minyak Asiri. Minyak Asiri will reduce angin. Without activation of Minyak Asiri, the consumption of Herba Tuju Angin has no positive result or maybe useless.

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